Once a month Indias prime minister Narendra Modi walks into a studio set up at his government bungalow and takes his seat behind a microphone. WEB FILE- Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives to lead the opening of a temple dedicated to Hinduisms Lord Ram in Ayodhya India Jan. The Economic Times WEB Official YouTube channel of Shri Narendra Modi Prime Minister of India. . His balancing act will be in focus this week as he makes his first state visit to the United States. Indias leader Modi hails beginning of a new time cycle in landmark speech from temple. PM Narendra Modi Tamil Nadu Maharashtra visit live. And Indian technology executives in Washington on Friday the final day of a state visit where he agreed new. Narendra Damodardas Modi Gujarati. Born 17 September 1950 b is an Indian politician who has served as the 14th prime minister of India since May 2014. 1950- Who Is Narendra Modi. ET January 2...